One of the main website performance metrics is the page loading speed. Improving your website’s performance leads to getting increased traffic, customer satisfaction, and conversions. Fortunately, there are many ways to do it. A lot of the practices also happen to be very low effort while providing a substantial impact.

In this article, you will learn the simplest ways to improve your website performance with the help of landing page builder. Let’s now take a look at the ten tips.

1. Choose A Trusted Website Host

Your website host is a good long-term investment to increase performance. The key to choosing the right hosting provider is by understanding the features they offer. This will sort out the least to most suitable providers. After that, pick the one that suits your website objectives best.

You can also select the hosting provider based on the value of money. For example, this WordPress hosting provides supportive features for speed, like LiteSpeed Caching and WordPress acceleration. All in affordable pricing that starts from $1.99.

2. Optimize Your Database

Your website’s database can easily get cluttered with unused data, plugins, or other documents you no longer need. Optimizing the database is simply cleaning it for faster performance, backing up your data regularly, and conducting maintenance.

It can be a tedious process, and that’s where plugins like WP-Optimize come in handy. Having all-in-one features, this plugin can save you time and effort.

3. Use Content Delivery Network

Content Delivery Network (CDN) consists of several servers that deliver content from your website to the user from the nearest possible location. To speed up loading time, CDN hosts your files in multiple geographical locations. This way, the bandwidth limits are spread out and accommodating different users in different areas.

There are plenty of CDN services you can choose from. For WordPress websites, the most popular ones are StackPath and Cloudflare.

4. Minimize HTTP Requests

HTTP requests happen when your browser requests the server to download files. The bigger the requested files, the slower the website gets. To avoid this, minimize HTTP requests as much as possible.

Start the process by determining how big is your HTTP requests are by using tools like Pingdom. For WordPress websites, minimizing HTTP requests consist of many processes. Aside from lazy loading, the other things you can do are listed from point five to seven in this article.

5. Reduce Image Sizes

Reducing your image sizes can significantly reduce the loading time and minimize HTTP requests. So, avoid using large images whenever possible. This is especially important for e-commerce or portfolio websites with lots of images.

Remember to go through your images thoroughly when resizing, and always do so when adding new ones. You can resize the images correctly using software like Adobe Photoshop, or WP if you prefer plugins that do it automatically.

6. Compress Your Files

Aside from images, other files on your website also need to be compressed to remove unnecessary components. This includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. By compressing the size of each file, the total number of your files will be greatly reduced.

Start by minifying the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files using gzip compression. Use this plugin to make the process easier. Additionally, you can use tools like GTmetrix to test the Gzip compression.

7. Clean Up And Optimize Files

Connected to the previous point, you can further improve your website by cleaning up and optimizing files. It’s because getting to the root is just as important and does well for templated websites.

This is done by cleaning up HTML and optimizing CSS files. After compressing the files, you can clean up and optimize the HTML and CSS files using WP Rocket. Aside from getting the job done, it’s also compatible with the gzip compression tool.

8. Take A Mobile-First Approach

It’s a wise decision to design your website’s mobile interface first, considering the number of mobile users worldwide. This mobile-first approach improves the website speed for both mobile and desktop users through efficient design.

This is also beneficial for marketing strategies, like online ads or surveys. Once you’ve designed the mobile interface, use Google Mobile Website Auditor to test its mobile-friendliness.

9. Carefully Choose Your Plugins

While plugins provide benefits, they can also slow websites down. To avoid this, try limiting how many plugins you use. Additionally, carefully choose the plugins for your website and only install the ones you need. Ensure to check the plugin’s size and functionality.

If needed, create a list of plugins for prioritization purposes. Regularly monitoring your plugins also helps. You can use tools like Plugin Performance Profiler to check performance.

10. Select The Right Theme

Selecting the right theme is the simplest prevention of slow-loading pages. Look for lightweight themes for SEO, but also ones with features that benefit you. If possible, opt for premium WordPress themes for more features and added security.

Choose the ones with a one-time payment rather than recurring ones. Potentially, research lightweight WordPress themes that fit your niche for more options. Once you choose the theme, consider testing them with plugins like Theme Check to check its standards.

Also Read: White Label SEO

By admin

Welcome to the intersection of technology and knowledge! I'm Rahul Shakya, a passionate tech enthusiast and the mind behind the bytes at With a knack for unraveling the intricacies of the digital realm, I embark on a journey to demystify the ever-evolving world of tech. Email: