UK’s best digital marketing agency

The fact remains that the marketing world will never remain the same after this pandemic. A lot of strategies have changed, effective methods are now being questioned, ideas have been placed on hold, and even the methods of operations of digital marketing agencies have changed. Well, one quality of a good marketer is the ability to respond positively to changes.

Marketing will always be a means of displaying what you have to offer for who needs it. An effective marketing campaign is what every business needs right now, as they strive to remain top in their various categories. If anything, the pandemic buttressed the pertinence of a good marketing strategy. With more time on the hands of consumers, search engines are experiencing a high level of traffic at this moment. People have needs and questions, and if you can display your competence in proffering solutions, and at the same, make your site visible to your customers, then your business will soar.

As you strive for recovery from whatever damage your business may have suffered due to the pandemic, here are four key areas to focus on;

1.     Incorporate quality backlinks in your site

In this stage of recuperation, getting your website to rank higher can be a turning point in your business. Of course, effective SEO is an undeniable way of improving your rank. One great SEO procedure is the incorporation of backlinks, and not just any type of backlinks, but high-quality backlinks. Backlinks are hyperlinks that connect from other websites to your website. Every good SEO site understands the need for backlinks.

One mistake that a lot of people make when backlinking is failing to research the site you are backlinking to. Some links are old and outdated and never used by anyone. This kind of links will not create any form of positive effect for you. Actually, old links can cause more harm than good for your site. Links that bring traffic to your site need to exert a level of reliability and credibility.

To start, it is important to fix broken links on your site. A broken link is a hyperlink that is no longer functional due to some issues like, incorrect URL, destination website removing the page, non-existent destination website or the use of software that block access to the destination website. When you fix this issue, you will give your users a better experience. Next, you can find authoritative sites to link to, which can be easily arranged if the sites need something in return from your site like a free content feature on their site.

2.     Stay on the know with local marketing and review management

Local optimisation provides a great opportunity for specific searches. A lot of customers are around you, searching for your business. If your site is not locally optimised, it will be difficult for them to find you. By prioritising your Google listing, you can be more optimised for users as this is usually the first thing they notice about your business.

Ensure that all information on your Google listing is accurate and that any updates and upgrades that might have been applied with the reopening of your business are incorporated into the listing. It is also important that you have an online presence during this recovery stage. If you are not always available for your customers, your competitors will easily take them away from you. Stay abreast with local reviews to understand the needs of your customers better, as this will give you an advantage.

3.     Discuss the restarting of your business in your content

Content is still and always will be king. Position yourself as an expert in your line of business, and let this be visible by the type of content you put out. Let your customers be able to rely on the information you put out. The incorporation of keywords will also help improve the visibility of your content. Remember that having good content that nobody sees solves nothing.

It is also a good idea to make a restart video for your customers. Let them know that your business is back and better. Keep them informed about your recent developments, latest procedures and all the new plans you have laid out to serve them better. User-generated content is a good means of engaging customers. People will always be more interested in things that they are a part of. Make your customers a part of your business.

4.     Do not relent on your email marketing

Email is still one of the most effective platforms for the transfer of information. There are some clients you cannot find on social media, but will always find via email. Email marketing never got redundant, and it probably never will. You can stay connected with your customers, check up on them, and at the same time pass information with a personalised touch.

Email marketing is certainly a great way to announce the reopening of your business to your customers. Draft a personal and attention-catching email, containing the new operation hours, strategies, limitations and all changes. Do not forget to stand out in your emails, as people receive tons of emails daily. You need to grab their attention with catchy headlines, juicy deals and accessible call to action buttons. There are numerous email marketing tools that can be used to better your email experience. You can create segmented emails for specific recipients, personalise your emails, track your performance and perform lots of other actions with these tools.

Recovering from a crisis is not an easy task. However, with the right digital marketing strategy, you can recover and even exceed your previous goals.

Our experts at DubSEO can give you the digital marketing experience you need. We are qualified and possess the right experience to keep your site ranking high. We pride ourselves on being UK’s best digital marketing agency. You can trust us to give you a memorable experience. Reach out to us, and we will gladly assist you.

By admin

Welcome to the intersection of technology and knowledge! I'm Rahul Shakya, a passionate tech enthusiast and the mind behind the bytes at With a knack for unraveling the intricacies of the digital realm, I embark on a journey to demystify the ever-evolving world of tech. Email: