website development

Digital marketing services are a big spider web now, everything is connected and interlinked influencing the outcomes. Among the digital marketing services, SEO services and website development have been the combined top stars for the businesses.

While website development creates a platform (virtual store) to offer the services and products with aesthetic visuals, SEO services are focused on the visibility of the same store. In the competitive market, they create the strongest armor to break the barriers.

Google along the way also helps both the SEO experts and developers to understand several business niches. Google is the master of data and provides the experts the full access and opportunity to understand the audience and act accordingly.

As far as the front-end and back-end developer is concerned they should take into consideration the valuable insights by the google and SEO experts. The two areas don’t help with the coding but it certainly helps to determine what should be coded in the websites and applications.

How Do Google and SEO Help Developers In the Long Term

User Experience:

User experience (UX) is a big tool in website and mobile application development. SEO being a tool of ranking and visibility for accessibility actively participates in the application of the website UX.

SEO helps the front-end developers understand what brings better visibility and why it is better than others.

The reason technical SEO is important is that it takes into consideration both Google algorithms and the user’s current trend. Additionally, since SEO is concerned with ranking, the practices always promote speed and functionality.

The Google Ranking Blueprint does the hard work for you using tried and tested methods to find exactly what your site needs to rank on the top page of Google.

With SEO insights in speed and functionality, a developer can understand better the grey and blind areas of the development.

Data-Driven Structure:

Okay, so we know that Google is the biggest head of collective information about the audience of the globe. Yes, not one selected country or region but the whole globe. Based on the collective data insights by Google, there is nothing that couldn’t be answered when it comes to your target audience.

With the help of Google, a developer can develop a data-driven structure with higher probability of success and organic results. When you know the exact portfolio of the audience, you can create a much better masterpiece. In a humorous sense, you would be developing soul mate applications for your audience.

User Intent:

Applications are built entirely on the basis of user needs and wants. One of the major failures of applications is when they are created for a particular purpose but fail to serve the purpose and this happens because user intent is neglected. User intent refers to the dynamics of an application the target audience will want to use.

Both Google and SEO experts have keen insights about the user intent and how they choose to interact with your platforms. SEO experts are already a huge contributor to the website UX And UI. With the help of experts, you can pinpoint exactly how the user interacts and what kind of interaction they desire. If the application is structured according to the developer’s perspective it’s a failure.

User Interface:

User intent and user interface are two different things. User intent is how the user would use the applications and the User interface is concerned with how the website is perceived by the audience who has not decided on your application/ website entirely.

The user interface is one of the core elements for SEO ranking. With the help of SEO strategies, a developer can understand how the website is perceived from the user’s perspective. In this area, it would be more about what a website is now and what it should be.

Testable System:

Businesses are now shifting towards experimentation and to beat the competition they want to create new competition. Now, here a developer should serve businesses with testable systems. Testable systems are innovative and are structured based on the collective data on the users,

With the help of Google and SEO collective data, testable systems are created exactly to please the audience. Now the testable systems are a more comfortable area for businesses to explore as the chances of risks are reduced. Testable systems have also improved the customer experience and market quality over the years.

Numerous Frameworks:

In the 21st century, the framework communities are unlimited with easy access, coding, and technical support team. Even Google has introduced their framework and you must be familiar with GWT (google web kit). The frameworks allow the developers to code faster and debug the platforms even faster. Everything is now simplified. The reason we are giving google the credit here is that google promotes simplified coding and programming languages to ensure the functionality and stability of the businesses.

Google could’ve banned the shortcut frameworks as it has with several SEO practices but google wants to have quality websites on the search engines. With several manuals available online, you can learn how to develop platforms with maximum ROI.

By admin

Welcome to the intersection of technology and knowledge! I'm Rahul Shakya, a passionate tech enthusiast and the mind behind the bytes at With a knack for unraveling the intricacies of the digital realm, I embark on a journey to demystify the ever-evolving world of tech. Email: