best guest post services

Traffic is the oxygen of content. Without it, your content will die.

But with the countless blogs out there, bringing traffic to each is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Isn’t it?

However, one powerful strategy that stands out as an effective solution to this dilemma is — Guest Posting.

However, finding the right blog to guest post is not as easy as it sounds. You need to invest hours in crafting engaging content, searching for a suitable platform, and pushing to get noticed in the sea of competition.

Frustrating, isn’t it?

That’s where the knowledge of collating the perfect blogs to guest post on becomes crucial.

Therefore, in this blog, we will explore several strategies that will help you find guest posting opportunities that help you boost your presence.

Let’s explore!

Did you know? The guest posting strategy is not a modern approach. It goes way back to ancient Rome, where famous writers would swap their scrolls and tablets to reach more readers.

How To Find Guest Post Opportunities?

Guest blogging is a crucial element in driving traffic to your website. However, finding authentic or free guest posting sites that offer opportunities to publish your article is quite challenging.

So, here are some unique strategies to help you discover valuable guest post opportunities:

1) Harness the Power of Search Engine:

One of the most effective ways to find guest blogging opportunities is by using advanced search operators to find websites that accept guest posts.

You need to follow a simple process to find a website using search operators.

Suppose you are working on a digital marketing niche, and you need a backlink for your website to bring in traffic.

You just need to open Google and search for “Write for Us + Digital marketing.”

Google will manifest all the websites that offer opportunities for guest contributions in the digital marketing niche.

Apart from that, you can even use the prompt mentioned below to find websites for guest posting:

  • Your keyword + “contribute to our site”
  • Your keyword + “contributing writer”
  • Your keyword + “guest post by”
  • Your keyword + “guest article”
  • Your keyword + “guest post”

Once you’ve found relevant search results, it’s important to thoroughly research and assess the potential of the website. Make research about the website’s Domain Authority, Traffic, and Backlink profile before proceeding further.

Once you find the platform appropriate for your niche, you can approach the website owner via email. To do so, find their email address from their contact details. Ensure that your guest posting pitch follows the provided format.

After sending the email, the website owner will reply with their content requirements and guidelines. Ensure that your content is unique and adheres to the website’s criteria, including an “Anchor Text” with a corresponding link.

After a few days, when your content gets published, the website owner will send you the live link to your guest post. You can then use this link to get a backlink for your website.

2) LinkedIn Search Queries

LinkedIn is one of the most popular B2B social networking sites that connects millions of businesses with professionals around the globe. It facilitates valuable networking opportunities and fosters professional growth.

To find guest bloggers for guest posts, professionals, or companies in your industry, you should utilize LinkedIn’s search feature. By searching them, you can visit their profiles or company pages to check if they accept guest contributions. Reach out to them through LinkedIn messaging to inquire about guest posting opportunities.

Further, you can even reach out to experienced LinkedIn bloggers who regularly post blogs on their LinkedIn walls. Connecting them will provide you with valuable insights and  networking opportunities and potentially lead to collaboration opportunities for guest posting.

  • You can search people, companies, or communities from the search bar available at the top of the screen. 
  • After entering their company or individual name, you can visit their profiles to see if they have published guest posts or if they mention accepting contributions.
  • If they do, send them a polite LinkedIn message expressing your interest in contributing a guest post and ask about their submission guidelines.

Utilizing LinkedIn offers a fresh strategy for discovering the ideal blogs to guest post on, providing a cost-effective means to target your audience effectively.

Do you know? LinkedIn has 1 Billion registered members and is available in 26 different languages.

3) Monitor Industry Forums and Q&A Sites:

Monitor industry forums and Q&A sites within your industry where specialized discussions are done on various topics, seek advice, and share insights.

By actively participating in these communities, you gain valuable insights into the current trends, challenges, and interests within your niche.

Moreover, sharing your expertise and introducing yourself as an industry-specific authority can capture the attention of website owners which prompts them to learn more about you or visit your website. This ultimately boosts your traffic and enhances your online presence.

You can even provide expert answers on Quora.

This virtual hub offers various questions and answers on various topics. Search for industry-related keywords to find popular questions. Focus on those with high views and followers for potential guest post opportunities. Pay attention to user responses, which may lead you to blogs or websites open to guest contributors.

Similarly, Reddit has industry-specific subreddits where professionals gather to discuss topics. Subscribe, engage in discussions to establish expertise, and look for threads mentioning guest contributors.

4) Use Social Media

Social media is one of the best ways to find the right blogs to guest post as it provides vast networking opportunities and access to industry influencers and bloggers.

Several social media sites offer the right opportunities for guest blogging, but the most effective among them are Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

On Twitter, following journalists or bloggers keeps you informed about potential opportunities and industry trends. Additionally, engaging with their posts, fostering relationships, and sharing your expertise through comments can lead to guest posting opportunities.

Furthermore, utilizing hashtags such as #journoRequest, #guestpost, and #blogger allows you to connect with bloggers, writers, and journalists, opening doors to potential guest posting opportunities.

To find such opportunities You just need to log in to your Twitter account and search # #journoRequest.

You will find many relevant posts like those mentioned below:

You find many such opportunities on Twitter.

On Facebook, you have the option to either create your community or join existing local communities or groups. Many local groups on Facebook offer the opportunity to promote your blogs and help you drive traffic to your website.

Further, Facebook serves as an excellent platform where marketers, business owners, and individuals interested in marketing come together to discuss strategies, share insights, ask questions, and network with others in the field.

This vibrant community offers a valuable resource for finding the right blogs to guest post on, as it provides opportunities to connect with industry professionals and discover potential collaboration opportunities.

5) Content Aggregator Platforms:

Content aggregator platforms serve as spaces where experts, writers, and bloggers can both create and distribute content.

You can check out websites like GrowthHackers,, or Indie Hackers. These sites gather content from bloggers and creators who share their work and share it on websites. They often talk about marketing strategies, insights, and the latest trends.

By sharing helpful posts or comments, you can show your expertise and catch the attention of website owners, who may invite you to guest post on their blogs.

6) Use Guest Post Marketplace

This approach stands out as one of the most effective methods, saving you time by streamlining the search for suitable blog platforms. Additionally, it offers cost-effective solutions by presenting budget-friendly options with high domain authority and traffic.

The guest posting marketplace is a platform where publishers and advertisers come on one platform to buy and sell guest posts easily. Furthermore, this platform also offers content writing services which makes your work easier.

All you need to do is select the most suitable website and provide the necessary details for your niche content.

For instance, if you’re targeting the digital marketing niche, you simply need to specify details such as:

  • Number of words
  • Title
  • Tone
  • Language (US or UK English)
  • Anchor Text
  • Link to your landing page
  • Reference link
  • Keywords

And! It’s done.

The marketplace website will create the content accordingly and submit it for publication on your chosen platform.

Wrapping Up

Online marketing is saturated with content, and to sit at the top of SERP and boost your online presence, you need organic tools like guest posting. With these unique strategies, you can easily elevate your visibility, establish credibility, and drive targeted traffic to your website.

However, the most effective strategy that you should consider is guest posting through the marketplace. It is the right place to get the best guest post services. You can even try free guest-posting sites to maximize your outreach and impact. Free guest posting sites may be a great starting point for those looking to explore guest posting opportunities without financial investment.

Author Bio:

Het Balar

Het Balar is a super pro at SEO, helping businesses get noticed on Google for over seven years.

He’s the founder of Link Publishers, where you can put your articles on other websites. They’re not just about that; they also rock at getting more links, making your website super easy to find, and even creating and promoting cool content.

He loves talking about the latest trends in SEO and the best ways to do digital marketing. It’s like having a friendly guide to help you out in the online world!


By admin

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