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SEO writing can be defined as the application of keywords and key phrases in the content. To grow their website’s basic awareness and SERP positions, writers and marketers use SEO. The content has to be of good quality and contains specific search terminology. Of course, there are so many companies that can help with SEO writing, but let’s learn how to create strong texts on your own.

SEO Writing: Tips to Make You Rank High

1. Outline your objectives

The first thing you need to do is outline your objectives as a site or company. Do you want to boost sales within your web page? Are you looking to monetize your web page through advertisements and so grow your audience and those who come back to your site? These objectives will help you know what content you should concentrate on.

If your main objective is to boost sales, you should concentrate on making product pages that are appealing and educational. They should be optimized equally for searching and making purchases. You should then create a blog that shows the appropriate time to use the product and how to use it. You can provide links to various pages where necessary. It is always good to ensure that your blog is not all about promoting your products only.

If your objective is to advertise, you will want to emphasize longer articles or even videos that give out information as well as entertain. The content should keep guests on your website for an extended period or urge them to return.              

2. Know and write for your targeted viewers

You first have to know who your target audience is and their needs. This will help you in writing content that attracts their attention or addresses their needs. Instead of always posting about your products or services, you can talk about the industry in general. State your company’s expertise in the field by writing content that is thought-provoking and helpful. The content should follow SEO guidelines. This is one way of dealing with competitors.

3. Titles should have a powerful effect

Since titles are usually very short, every word counts. Write a title that is plain, attention-grabbing, and uses the keywords well. On top of that, ensure that your Meta descriptions are fascinating and explain in detail what the subject of your write-up is about. Always remember that your heading and Meta descriptions are what appear when people are searching.

4. Utilize keyword-rich catchphrases

If you want the audience and the browser to identify what your content is about, you need to use appropriate keyword-rich catchphrases. This should be in your title and also all through the article. However, do not use the keyword too much as visitors will be put off and the search engine can penalize you for keyword overuse. Utilize the keywords considerately and carefully so that it fits in naturally.

Additionally, you can make use of blog tags (since several general blogs have built-in tagging ability) by tagging some appropriate keywords for every article.                   

5. Organize your articles

Format all your articles into small paragraphs, and put subheadings for your audience to read with easy readability and be engrossed. Appropriate tags should be used when tagging headings and subheadings. The article will appear well organized which is very vital. If not organized, the article might contain a lot of great points but will be lost if no format is followed.

6. Include pictures

Human beings are visual, so use pictures. Pictures are very appealing and if you add them to your post, they will leave a lasting impression. Better yet, if you have a Pinterest account, put pictures that can be pinned. This is another great way of driving traffic to your webpage.

7. Use social media to boost your content

More and more businesses are using social media as a means to engage their target audiences. According to statistics, the global social penetration rate has reached 49%. East Asia and North America have the maximum rate of penetration at 71 and 69% respectively. Northern Europe follows closely at 67%.

Small businesses are turning to social media for marketing purposes because it can increase brand awareness, strengthen a group surrounding your business and expand the core business.

With 4.2 billion people using social media around the globe, it is the perfect place to link with your preferred audience. Every time you have new content, post it on social media platforms as well as in forums. Your descriptions should be appealing to viewers and always include a call to action. Activate the share button on all of your posts. Tools such as Twitter Cards (Twitter), Open Graph (Facebook) will give you control over how your links perform when they are publicized. This will boost your click-through rates.     

8. Make use of Google Authorship

When you connect your Google+ profile with your articles. It confirms that the article is yours and also assists readers to check other articles that you have written. It is an excellent tool for specific advertising. It will also boost your click-through rate to your posts.     

9. Helps in creating links naturally

Once you have produced content that people are looking for to address their needs, and the browser can recognize, you need to outrank other sites with similar characteristics. You can achieve this by obtaining links from respected Websites. You can be creative and include different things such as infographics and motion pictures. If you add an embed code to your webpage, it will encourage sharing of the content and also links back to the initial source. Content that is unique and appealing will not only urge viewers to share but also there is a high chance that more sites will link to it. That is why quality is very important.       

10. Track your actions

Google Analytics is a great tool to help you track your actions. It is free and easy to use. You get to see how much time was spent on your webpage to ensure you are offering them the right content. If your content yields fruits, you will see an increase in social interactions such as shares, likes, and so on. Tracking your actions will give you a great overview of how the content was received and should you need to change or continue along that path.   

These 10 guidelines are a start point when it comes to writing search engine optimization content. Sometimes people along with students struggle with content writing and technical assignments and they definitely need online help with assignments which can be professionally provided by expert writing services like AdvancedWriters. Just get to know your viewers’ needs and write unique content that is appealing to capture a viewer’s attention.

By admin

Welcome to the intersection of technology and knowledge! I'm Rahul Shakya, a passionate tech enthusiast and the mind behind the bytes at With a knack for unraveling the intricacies of the digital realm, I embark on a journey to demystify the ever-evolving world of tech. Email: