Is your customer’s information and data safe with you? Do they have to worry about any security breach? If you have tad reluctance in either of the questions, maybe you should read the following article. As this is what you might be looking for. It is no surprise that the frequency of cyberattacks and cybercriminal activities are taking no backseat. One of the biggest reasons for the rise is the transformation from local storage to cloud storage. While storing on the cloud does have its pros, it has cons as well. 

Also Read: The email could not be sent. possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function.

Modern-day hackers are well-equipped with techniques and tools to break into your cloud storage in no time. Therefore, it is crucially vital that you know how to encrypt and authenticate your data before it is too late. Data authentication is no rocket science, but at the same time, it is not a cakewalk. It is a complicated network communication mechanism that integrates and guards data breaches. Here are some of the most-used data authenticating methods: 

  • Two-Factor Authentication: In a two-factor authentication system, a one-time password or OTP is generated. This is then sent to the user’s email address or mobile number. If it is the original user, then the OTP can be quickly approved, and identification is completed. In an otherwise situation, the hacker will not have his hands on the OTP and thus will fail to break into the user’s profile. Simply put, data is denied, and the account will go temporarily locked to save the data from any further hacks. 
  • Cyclic Redundancy Check: CRC or Cyclic Redundancy Check is deemed as one of the most robust techniques used to protect the data. This process ensures that data transmission is strictly monitored. Herein, a CRC code is added to the end of the message before the data goes into the transmission. And finally, at the destination point, the user receives the data with the CRC code. This can then be used to compare it to the original code. If the values match, the information is correct and is good to go. 
  • SSL Certificate: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates are a must when it comes to data security. It provides data encryption to your cloud storage using only relevant and specific algorithms. Not only that, it protects the data breach from third-party attacks or vicious fights. These certificates will make sure that the data is encrypted until the user is done with the communication process. SSL certificates are recommended as an international standard for securing information transmission in the websites. 
  • Authentication of Passwords: Having a strong or complicated password is a complete necessity, and it goes without saying. A user must enter a password to get access to the data. This also ensures that the data is protected from unnecessary and unauthorized hacks. If you are up for reducing risks on your website, you can start using complicated passwords that have a challenging combination of alphabets, numbers, signs, or symbols. 

How to secure and encrypt data for cloud storage?

  • Be a PCI Compliant: To ensure that the company owners provide the highest level of security for their customer’s data, they have now come up with a set of norms called the PCI DSS (payment card industry data security standard). This will make sure that the credit card businesses that process, accept, and store card credentials offer a secured environment so that none of the information gets leaked. And of course, sensitive and private information like card credential is best shielded under every circumstance. 
  • Secured contactless Payments: Swiping the cards are more like the outdated stories that have been thrown to the wind. What you can welcome now is the newer versions of payments which are contactless, such as Apple Pay, or transactions about or NFC. The thing about these payments is that the transactions are supremely safe and authenticated. In simpler words, it can encrypt the customer account information while the payment is getting processed. If this is something, you haven’t adapted till now; maybe this is the right time to strike the iron. 
  • A nod to the Spam Filters: You might come across emails that can attract you like a moth to a flame. Don’t. Modern spammers these days are trying whatever they can to get a lot trickier these days. They can easily come up with pretty emails that look pretty outside but not so much on the inside. So make sure that you do not fall prey to any of such nuisances. They carry a ton of potential threats with them and have the complete power to sabotage your system. Hence, it is crucially vital that you add a spam filter right away to your system before it is too late. 
  • Pep up with the Anti-Virus Software: Even if you do everything correct, but you haven’t yet updated your computer’s software, you do have a big reason to worry. And happily, this does not have to be expensive either. It can be done free of free or rather reasonably. Further, it seems like a good idea to consult with an IT professional team about which to go with. Try updating your system with anti-virus software as fast as you can. You would not even begin to imagine the harm a virus can do to your system if it is not checked in time. 

That’s a Wrap 

Now, is the time for you to invest your time, energy, and money in making your cybersecurity systems more trustworthy and reliable – now, more than ever. Else, you can easily find innovative security facets that can mitigate and fight security attacks. Even though you might end up spending millions of dollars in implementing the best of security protocols, you are not safe if you are not updated and are not standing neck-to-neck with the world. Although moving to cloud storage can veer you into more protection, but also know that the cloud isn’t an impenetrable fort. Use the right tools and stay alert! 

By admin

Welcome to the intersection of technology and knowledge! I'm Rahul Shakya, a passionate tech enthusiast and the mind behind the bytes at With a knack for unraveling the intricacies of the digital realm, I embark on a journey to demystify the ever-evolving world of tech. Email: