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What is SEO? Is it really necessary to invest money in SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? Is there any Return on Investment in SEO? Does SEO contribute to a company’s success?

If you are also searching for the answers to a similar set of questions like this, then you are at the right place.

SEO is the most underrated part of digital marketing strategies that helps many brands or organizations to grow their business.

This article will discuss the meaning of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the top 7 benefits of SEO that can help your business increase organic traffic to your website and eventually increase business. Also, we have included the best online digital marketing course you should join to learn the new modules of SEO, which helps to bring your business website high on the search page.

So, without further ado let’s understand the game of SEO.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be a complicated concept for most people to wrap their heads around. Effectively, it’s the act of ensuring your website gets the most visibility from search engines like Google and is thereby the most easily found. In simple words, Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a technique of getting traffic in the SERP i.e. search engine results page via “organic” (unpaid) traffic. It’s a method for improving the search engine rankings of the website.

You will have to make certain updates to your website so that the search engines can quickly recognize the type of information your website has. They look for keywords, images, documents, structure, User Interface, User Experience, and many other things as they crawl your website.

All of these are verified. When a user searches for something in a Search Engine like Google or Bing or Yahoo, the search query is compared with the indexed data, and the most relevant results are presented in front of the user.

If your website ranks higher in these rankings it gives more visibility and hence people are more likely to click on your link and land on your site.

Local SEO and Voice Search are some of the latest digital marketing trends in the SEO world. For many companies, it may seem like a no-brainer – after all, if your competitors are getting more attention from Google, why wouldn’t you want to? However, SEO can be more complex than many people think, especially for folks who aren’t professional SEO experts.

Now that you have a basic idea of what SEO or Search Engine Optimization is all about, let’s discuss some of the benefits of SEO and how it can help you to grow your website, increase traffic, and eventually your business.

Top 7 Benefits of Search Engine Optimization

  1. SEO Lowers Your Cost

Organic Ranking is the second name of SEO, which means technically you don’t need to pay to rank on SERP. Organic rankings are determined by search engine algorithms.

This means one should create web pages that search engines think are perfectly matched with the query passed by the user in the search engine box. Once you have created a full-fledged SEO-friendly website, you don’t need to pay search engines to get placed on top of the search results.

This is opposite to Pay PPC Ads, which charge an amount each time a user clicks on your website link and lands on the website or landing page.

Hence, SEO is a cost-effective way to rank your website at the top of SERP without paying anything which also helps you to lower your marketing cost.

2. SEO Keeps You One Step Ahead of the Competition

Imagine there are two companies in the same industry with the same product/ service and the same target audience. One of the two has an optimized website and the other has not. Who do you think will get more business at the end of the day?

Obviously, the one appears on top of the SERP, right? You only need to have good keyword research and you are good to start with. This will make sure that exactly what your prospects look for, also for which keywords your competitors are ranking higher and for which keywords you should try to tank higher. Never ever ignore the power of SEO to keep you ahead of the competition. Get yourself a better position against your competitors, and you will see the positive impact happening on your business.

3. SEO Results Can be calculated

Yes, it is possible. People only have the misconception that only PPC results can be tracked. But even in SEO, you can track the information which can eventually determine the results of your SEO efforts.  And you already know how important it is for your business growth.

You may analyze, optimize and rework each element of your SEO strategy. And for the same, you can use tracking applications like Google Analytics to know where you stand, how many visitors you got for your website, what is the bounce rate, what keywords drive them on your website, etc.

The two most important tools to track your SEO performances are GA & GSC i.e. Google Analytics and Google Search Console (previously known as Webmaster Tool). Google Analytics can be used for both organic and inorganic traffic whereas Google Search Console can be only used to track organic traffic.

So, if you want to go deep into SEO, you must explore the Google Analytics and Google Search Console tools.

4. SEO is for long-term players.

While good PPC i.e. Search Engine Marketing can impact more in the short term game, SEO will give you better results in the longer game.  The magnitude of SEO results and Return on investments are directly proportional to the time, money, and efforts you invest. Hence, if any SEO agency promises to give you immediate results, then beware of the Black Hat SEO techniques and malpractices they will do to get the traffic. Which in the long run will appear on the surface and harm the reputation of your website on the web.

5. SEO Produces Better UX

UX i.e. User experience is a vital search engine ranking factor and an essential aspect of SEO. Google is the largest market share of Search Engines so we will consider it for a major.

So Google has learned how to detect a good or not so good or bad user experience is. And a good user experience has become an inevitable part of the website’s progress.

When someone types a query or keyword in a search engine box, they want the answer immediately or as soon as they hit the link on SERP. Thus, websites that have relevant and quality data get benefits from Google.

On the other hand, if a user lands on a website that is slow or contains irrelevant data, or has black hat elements, Google considers or calls it a site with terrible user experience and will give a lower position in the Search Engine Result Page.

6. SEO Helps to Build Connections with Other Websites

An SEO strategy can also help you gain connections or external links from reputed websites in the same domain. This clearly suggests that focusing on outbound SEO techniques is an important aspect of optimizing your website.

So always look forward to getting placement or coverage on the domain or same industry-based blogs, news updates, and other relatable web properties which will help to build a strong brand in the industry.

Even Google inclines towards the interlinked web properties, so you should concentrate on incorporating links to other relevant and high PR sites and promote them in your piece of content.

7. SEO drives Good-Quality Traffic

SEO would definitely help you attract good-quality visitors. The ones that are genuinely interested or at least have a positive inclination towards the products or services you are offering on your website.

Hence, you must have known so far how good keyword research is necessary in order to rank high. Long-tail or question-based keywords are the best examples, as they represent strong intent towards the search terms. Most of the time, you will find low volume for such long-tail keywords, but the rate of conversion is higher.


Those were the top 7 benefits of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), that  I wanted to discuss and which can be used to drive quality and relevant audience to your website. Those companies who understood the importance and have adapted the SEO strategies with proper study got positive results. And now I want you to use all those strategies to implement and grow your business.

But to practice all these techniques and strategies you must have hands-on knowledge of SEO best practices and cool hacks(White SEO techniques only). Several online digital marketing course can push you to get started on the SEO Learning journey! 

We hope these top 7 benefits of SEO will help you gain some valuable insights and rank higher on the top of the Search Engine Results page. Let us know your views or opinions in the comments section below. And don’t forget to follow us on all the major Social Networking sites (Oops, the most relevant to me and my target audience).

Also Read: White Label SEO

By admin

Welcome to the intersection of technology and knowledge! I'm Rahul Shakya, a passionate tech enthusiast and the mind behind the bytes at With a knack for unraveling the intricacies of the digital realm, I embark on a journey to demystify the ever-evolving world of tech. Email: