There are different ways to reduce your household’s energy consumption, ranging from basic lifestyle change to major home improvements. According to U.S Energy Information, people used about 575 quadrillions Btu of energy in 2015. The two primary motivations for conserving electricity are utility bills and environmental protection. Here are the 7 ways and tips to save energy and electricity in your home, 

1. Turning off the lights before leaving your room

Turning off the lights before leaving a room is a basic practice to reduce energy consumption. Make sure to turn off regularly before leaving in your room. By doing anything this on a regular basis, you will save a large amount of money on your monthly energy bills.

2. Unplug all unused appliances

Unplugging an appliance when it is not in use is one of the most basic home safety tips, but it’s also one of the most easily forgotten. Unplugging unused appliances not only saves you energy by reducing phantom drain (the amount of energy the system consumes even though it is not in use), but it also prevents them from overheating or power surges.

3. Change to more energy efficient appliances

Energy-efficient appliances also help you save money by lowering your home energy costs and reducing the use of natural resources like natural gas, oil, coal, and water. Dryers and refrigerators are the most energy-intensive appliances in the home, and replacing them with more energy-efficient models will reduce your electricity bills by half. Another choice for lowering electricity consumption is to install heat pumps. In general, maintaining and upgrading appliances every few years would reduce the amount of energy they consume.

4.  Use solar powered devices

Solar panels are at the top of the list of the most common renewable energy sources for use in a home. Your roof is very ideal place to install your solar panel because they get the most sunlight over the day.  Solar is a good way to start going off the grid and consuming a better source of electricity because you can power your house with a few panels. Almost any electronic you use in your home can now be found in a solar-powered version. it’s a long way toward lowering your maintenance and repair costs.

5. Natural light and LED light

Open those curtain, and avoid not using light bulbs during the day is one way to conserve energy. If you want better lighting, you need to move some furniture closer to the window, such as your desk or work areas. For light bulbs, replace incandescent light bulbs with more energy-efficient light bulbs like Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs).While LEDs are more expensive, they use less energy and last longer. place your bulbs in areas where they can illuminate several spaces at once and in smaller spaces, you can also save money by using smaller bulbs. Finally, as stated in number one, switch off lights when not in use and clean them on a regular basis.

6. Ventilation

Aside from using natural light, you can save energy by enhancing the ventilation in your home by opening your windows and curtains and allowing air to freely flow. As a result, your home will remain cool throughout the summer. Exhaust fans may also be used although they use power, but they do so at a lower rate than an air conditioner.

7. Maintain your appliances clean

Air conditioners, electric fans, and refrigerators should all be cleaned and maintain in good condition if you don’t want them to consume more electricity than they should. The same idea applies if you use a laptop. Refrigerators need regular defrosting because excessive frost affects their performance. Also, check to see if the door gasket on the refrigerator is still in good condition to make sure that no air is escaping out.

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