Free keyword planner

Do you want to use SEO cleverly to improve your websites’ rankings in search results?

Streamlining and simplifying your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices can make what at first seems like a complex process effortless. 

While paid-for-ads can help drive traffic to your website, SEO does so naturally with zero financial investment.

In this guide, we’ll give you 5 handy hints for applying SEO concepts and practices to boost your search rankings.

Tip 1. Optimize Keywords

Look up keywords. If you’ve never done that before, that’s where your SEO journey should start. 

There are lots of free keyword planner tools available online and by putting in some of the key topics related to your business you can find good keywords that your potential customers are searching for. 

An example of this is that a lot of people search for: Best Web Hosting (with a search volume of 5400) and fewer people search for Amazing Web Hosting (with a search volume of just 50).

So, the meaning of ‘the best web hosting’ and ‘the most amazing web hosting’ is the same but your audience reach would be dramatically different.

Tip 2. Good Quality Content is Essential

Craft beautifully useful and accurate content. The quality of the content on your website is something that Google’s smart algorithms are programmed to recognize. 

They take into account a lot of data such as how long visitors spend reading your website to calculate how useful, elegant and accurate it is. Investing in quality pays off! 

Tip 3. Titles Matter

Write short, clear titles. It might surprise you to learn that search engines pay close attention to the titles on your website or blog. They look at your metadata and your titles first when searching for keywords. 

Keep your titles punchy, creative, and keyword-rich for best results.

Tip 4. Know Your Data

If you don’t have Google Analytics installed and Google Search Console set up, get it set up. They are free tools that will help you to see a large amount of useful data about your site. You can also see how search engines view your website and ensure it’s appropriately indexed. 

If making sense of the data is difficult, Autom8 Now can help. They educate small business owners to get the best results for the least money.

Tip 5. Get Meaningful Backlinks

If you haven’t heard of backlinks before, they’re links from another website to your website. Google likes them because they suggest people are sharing links to your site because it’s so useful. 

People do buy backlinks, but it’s much better not to. We’d recommend linking to influencers and other people you think to provide value to your customers and in return, they will be likely to link to you.

The Best SEO Practices

To summarize, On-Page SEO practices have evolved but the best practices for SEO are pretty straightforward. 

Build good content, ensure you use keywords so your audience can find you, and link to authoritative websites that are useful to your target customers.

Continue reading our blogs to learn more about UX SEO best practices and more.

By admin

Welcome to the intersection of technology and knowledge! I'm Rahul Shakya, a passionate tech enthusiast and the mind behind the bytes at With a knack for unraveling the intricacies of the digital realm, I embark on a journey to demystify the ever-evolving world of tech. Email: