content marketing guide

As a content marketer today, you must have a content marketing strategy that generates engagement riding on trendy topics while not losing sight of your marketing objectives. You must be quick to catch and retain attention to pass on whatever message you want. Brew Interactive Content Marketing has a few tips on developing a highly effective content marketing strategy in this dynamic environment.

Budget Using Analytics

Any content marketing strategy will take up your time and money. The question that matters is, how much return on investment will you get? You cannot just throw money at Facebook ads and expect good returns on the strength of your budget.

Look at your analytics. Which platform is originating your traffic? You may find that most of your engagement comes from Twitter instead of Facebook. Invest your money in channels and content that attract engagement. Look at what your numbers are saying and put your money and time where you get the most returns.

Know Your Audience

Your content will only have the desired impact if you have a defined audience. You must put your content in a language your audience understands, a platform they like, and a format that catches their attention. A 10 seconds video on Tiktok could work better for a college-going audience than a post on Facebook. Again, rely a lot on analytics to find out where your audience is and how they consume content.

What is your audience searching for? There are various tools you can use to analyze social media and search engine traffic. Informative analytics should go beyond mere numbers to showing real conversations. What are the most frequent enquiries on your CRM? Which FAQ do your website visitors view most?

Have Clear and Consistent Content Guidelines

Content marketing plays a big role in creating familiarity and trust in your brand. Your content must contribute towards building your brand identity. What is it you stand for? What is your goal, and how do you intend to reach these goals?

Having content guidelines helps keep your content generation simple, whether you are doing it yourself or outsourcing it. Using a content marketing guide helps deliver a consistent message, which deepens brand awareness, familiarity and trust in your target audience.

Have Clear Goals

What are you trying to achieve with your content marketing strategy? You can only perfect it if you know what you want. Having goals helps you to focus on targets. How many followers do you want on Twitter in six months? How much organic traffic growth do you want to have in one year?

Developing goals helps create an action plan. What do you need to do to grow your Twitter engagement by 50% in three months? You can break down your action plan into daily, weekly, and monthly activities to help you develop consistency and commitment.

Create Valuable Content

Your audience is looking for value, which is new information or something that clarifies other content you put out earlier. Valuable content marks your brand as an authority and creates the trust you need to impact your other marketing messaging.

The type of content you use also matters a lot in value creation because it determines the ease of consumption. If you had content with lots of data, it became more readable in a chart than a text article. A product demonstration video works better than a manual. You should use a mix of content: infographics, text, and video to make your content easier to digest, understand and usable.

Webinars and live streams are very impactful in value creation. They are very engaging because you can allow the audience to ask the questions that matter the most to them. You could spend a chunk of your time talking about your brand, its journey and objectives.

Case studies are very helpful in demonstrating that your products or services work as you say. User Generated Content (UGC) works very well in this type of  content. For example, you can request your happy customers to upload  videos when using your product. It has a big impact on creating brand trust.

Make a Plan for Content Amplification

Your content needs to get in front of as many eyes as possible among your target audience. You need a content amplification plan. Working with influencers can work for an impressionable audience, for example, in marketing beauty products. You also need to cultivate brand ambassadors. They could be happy customers or your employees.

Delegate for Quality

Content generation is hard work. You need to put in the time to produce informative and relevant content. You also need to work on other tasks like analytics, content formatting, publishing, amplification, etc. Delegating these tasks to a professional agency like Brew Interactive Content Marketing improves your content quality and makes your content marketing strategy more coherent and effective.

Are you looking to formulate a content marketing strategy that works? Implement these tips  to develop a strategy that takes your business to the next level.

By admin

Welcome to the intersection of technology and knowledge! I'm Rahul Shakya, a passionate tech enthusiast and the mind behind the bytes at With a knack for unraveling the intricacies of the digital realm, I embark on a journey to demystify the ever-evolving world of tech. Email: