Magento SEO Hong Kong

Setting up an ecommerce store is a dream come true for many people. If you take a look at the online forums, you will find that most people recommend starting with ecommerce for making quick money. This is the main reason why so many people have entered the ecommerce industry in the hopes of making huge profits.

However, remember that when it comes to sales and marketing, nothing works out on its own. You are responsible for ensuring that things get done the right way, so you can achieve your targets and make money along the way.

The only problem that most people face is they don’t know how to start with the promotion of their online ecommerce store. If you have developed your new store and don’t know the place to start, the first thing you should be focusing on is Ecommerce SEO.

SEO allows you to get discovered by your target audience, so you can drive attention and make more sales. Keep reading this article to find out seven tips that can supercharge your Ecommerce SEO.

1.      Start with a keyword strategy

The “First things first” way of working on an ecommerce SEO strategy is starting with the keywords. But what is the reason behind starting first with SEO? The reason why you should always start with a proper keyword strategy is quite simple.

People open up their web browser and search for specific terms called “Keywords” that they type in for getting relevant information. When you know about the keywords that your target audience is using online for getting information, it gets easier for you to understand how they think and which things excite them the most.

The difficult thing is that working on a keyword strategy can be quite difficult for busy entrepreneurs who have newly entered the field of ecommerce. In case you don’t have time to find the right keywords, you can depend on Magento SEO Hong Kong services to discover all the keywords for you.

Besides SEO, the reason why keywords matter the most is that they help you understand which words and phrases are used by your prospects. Then you can use the same words and include them in your online content for building relevance with your target audience.

2.      Never ignore the structure

One of the common mistakes that most people make when setting up their online store is that they forget about the structure of the website. Remember that running an ecommerce store is unlike managing a blog that features information about a relevant niche.

When it comes to ecommerce, you have to take care of several things to reach your goals, and the most important thing to do is structure your website the right way. Start with the URL structure that fits with the demand of the SEO standards. With proper URL structuring, getting SEO results will be super easy for you.

3.      Get rid of repetitive content

When you have to manage so many products in your ecommerce store, it will become impossible for you to create unique content for all the products. Pasting the same content under different products can result in the process called “Content cannibalization.”

When the same content is present on different pages of your website, the search engine bots find it difficult to select one page that will rank against the keywords. This will not help you rank against a single keyword.

The only way you can overcome this problem is by using 301 redirects or “Canonical tags.” These tags will help you ensure that all your pages are interlinked and search engine bots don’t find it hard to pick a page that ranks higher.

4.      Optimize for smartphone users

Another common mistake that most people make when it comes to running an online store is they don’t value smartphone users. Remember that most of the sales and online traffic are coming from smartphone users nowadays.

If you don’t make things usable for smartphone users, you will fail to get the results you want from your online store. The only way you can make your website reliable for smartphone users is by using SEO practices to make your website fit for smartphone users.

5.      Create proper categories

How will you like it when you enter a store that’s all cluttered up, and you have to look for things yourself through the store? If things are all over the place and you have to spend all your time scouting the store, you will not be able to buy anything in the process.

You don’t have to make the same mistake with your online ecommerce store. Make sure that you create proper “Category pages” on your online store so it becomes easier for your customers to pick products easily.

6.      Don’t ignore the broken links

One of the most troubling things you have to face when you are looking for products online, is opening a page where you see the notorious “404 error.” The problem with these pages is that they destroy the journey of the customers but also give a bad signal to the search engine bots, degrading your positions on SERPs.

The only way you can get rid of the broken links is that you have to dedicate your time to fixing the links on your page. Make sure that all the pages on your website are live, so you can make the experience amazing for your customers.

7.      Produce content that drives conversion

The only way you can drive sales to your ecommerce store is by creating content that’s fit for your target audience. Gone are the days when people used to buy products without giving much of a thought. In this age, the good thing is that customers can do proper research without having to make the wrong decisions.

Start with creating content that engages, informs, and entertains your readers. Make sure that your content is easy to read and also fits the standards of SEO for amazing results.

Also Read: White Label SEO

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Welcome to the intersection of technology and knowledge! I'm Rahul Shakya, a passionate tech enthusiast and the mind behind the bytes at With a knack for unraveling the intricacies of the digital realm, I embark on a journey to demystify the ever-evolving world of tech. Email: