contractor SEO

Got a website? Thought about its web traffic, search engine bots, and mobile accessibility? 

Confused yet?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is used by online marketing teams to attract search-engine bots to your website. And, as is the way with marketing, it is composed of different elements such as keywords, backlinking, and so on.

In this article, the whats, whys, and huhs of the different types of SEO are explored, allowing you to decide which type may be the best for your business. 

Why SEO Is Needed

If you have a business, whether it’s an online store selling plants or a dental surgery practice, you will need SEO. 

As mentioned before, SEO is the process of improving your rankings on search engines. So, rather than seeing it as a technical aspect of having a website, try to see it as more of a business card that draws customers to your virtual shop front.

Different Types Of SEO Marketing

On-Page SEO

You have a website; you will need content! The process of optimizing the content for your website will usually include keywords, meta-descriptions, compression of images, and mobile accessibility. 

This is needed to help a search engine like Google understand the product you are trying to sell. if you are selling dog shampoo, having these words on your site will help bots to rank your page. 

If you are new to this, you may need to hire some help to get your onsite content up and running. Contact a contractor SEO for more advice.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page or offsite SEO is all about building reliability for your website. 

With search engines, a page that has no backlinks to authoritative websites on the same subject you are writing about is ranked lower. So to build trustworthy sites, you need links! Also, if you have ever been on a site and clicked a link that has led you to another page, this is an example of off-page SEO. 

Technical SEO

Now that your website has keywords and backlinks, what else do you need? 

The technical parts of SEO and boosting your page ranks are somewhat easier to wrap your head around! They involve areas such as website speed, compression of images (to speed up site loading), and being mobile accessible. 

Should your website fail in any of these areas, your website will rank lower in search engine results. 

Local SEO

Local SEO is more important if you have a physical shop like a bakery. 

It focuses your site’s presence based on the physical area where your shop or business is located. This helps to drive local people looking for a similar business to your site. 

You will need to have your shop’s address on the site, your opening times and even secondary aspects like your location on Google maps to boost the SEO in this area of your advertising.

Unsure about the different types of SEO? Visit our blog for more detailed information on this important online business area.

Also Read: How to Select the Best Professional SEO Services for your Business in NZ

By admin

Welcome to the intersection of technology and knowledge! I'm Rahul Shakya, a passionate tech enthusiast and the mind behind the bytes at With a knack for unraveling the intricacies of the digital realm, I embark on a journey to demystify the ever-evolving world of tech. Email: